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40+ Signs She Is Using You (Recognizable Hints)

Actions speak louder than words in many cases if they are judged properly. This problem is common because many people face the issue of receiving loyalty from their partner in return for their loyalty.

40+ Signs She Is Using You (Recognizable Hints)

If you wonder whether she is truly in a relationship with you or just taking advantage then following hidden signs can help reveal her intentions.

Table of Contents


In this article, the following key points will be discussed;

  • Hidden signs from her side which identify that she is using you just as an option
  • Signs reflecting that she is manipulating you emotionally for her benefits
  • Hidden signs showing her intentions of financing her materialistic desires from your wealth
  • Signs showing that she is getting involved with your friend and using you to achieve her purpose

10 Signs she is using yo u as an option

Whenever you feel like she is only taking advantage of your presence and feel no mental relaxation around her then something is going wrong between you two.

Here are some hidden signs based on real-life experiences that will help you reveal her genuine intentions about you;

1. She will have other priorities on top of you

Signs She Is Just Using You

Whenever she is using you as an option then this will reflect that you are not her main focus. You will always find her busy with other things and she will not spare time for you which shows that you are not on the top of her list. This will feel like you are waiting around for her all the time and she is not even interested.

2. She  will always keep her phone and social media out of excess

If she’s always on her phone and constantly keeps checking social media instead of spending time with you then this will reflect that she is using you as a backup plan. You will see her giving more importance to her phone than talking to you which will reflect that she is not indulged in the relationship.

3. She will always keep her social circle away from you

Signs She Is Just Using You Will Always Keep Her Social Circle Away From You

If you notice that she does not want you to meet her friends or family then this will reflect that she is using you. You will see her keeping her social life separate from you which will be like she is keeping two parts of her life apart. This can hint at her wrong intentions for you in the relationship.

4. She will not invest that much in a relationship as you will be

If you do most of the work in the relationship like planning different things or always reaching out to her while her efforts are minimal then this will reflect that she is not fully indulged in the relationship.

You will feel like you are trying hard and she is not which will indicate that she is not serious about the relationship as you are.

5. She will always prefer short-term relationship planning

If you notice that she never talks about the future of your relationship and avoids making plans ahead then this will reflect that things are short-term for her. You will see her not planning things together for the long run which will indicate that she is not thinking about a lasting relationship with you.

6. She will always choose the date spot herself

Signs She Is Just Using You Will Always Will Always Choose The Date Spot Herself

If she is using you as an option then she will consistently take charge of picking where to go on dates. You will see her rarely considering your preferences and always insisting on her choice of venue or activity which will reflect that she is non-serious in the relationship.

7. She will behave like only you are desperate for presence

Whenever she is using you as a backup in a relationship then this will reflect that she is the only one you want around. You will see her portraying that you are the only one with whom she wants to spend time. However, she will show little interest in being there for you when you need them.

8. She will be busy for more time than she told you

Whenever she keeps saying she is busy for longer than she said before then this will indicate that she is not making time for you. You will see this happening often which will reflect that she is not that interested or that other things matter more to her than spending time with you.

9. She will introduce you to everyone as a casual friend

Whenever you observe that she only introduces you as a friend to others, this will reflect that she does not see you as someone special. You will see her keeping things casual in public and doesn’t show you as important. This can be a sign that she is not thinking about a serious relationship with you.

10. She will behave according to her mood every time

Signs She Is Just Using You Will Behave According To Her Mood Every Time

If she is using you as a backup then she will behave differently based on how she feels. You will see her actions depend on her mood rather than caring about how you feel which will reflect that you do not carry much importance to her.

10 Signs She Is Using You Emotionally

The emotional gameplay is a very hurtful thing when someone plays this with someone very serious about a relationship. This is a common problem with every guy who is indulged deeply in a relationship with a non-serious.

Here are some real-life experiences that will reveal her genuine intentions in a relationship with you;

1. She will only talk to you sweetly when hurt by someone else

Signs She Is Just Using You Will Only Talk To You Sweetly When Hurt By Someone

Whenever you notice her upset because of others then her tone will change with you. You will see that she is only sweet when someone else hurts her, reflecting that she is using your support as a comfort zone. This will be like her kindness becomes tied to outside troubles hinting at your minute worth in a relationship.

2. She will not be available when you are emotionally broken

Her absence during your downtime like during your emotional stress indicates that she is only using you in this relationship. You will see her becoming distant or unavailable when you are going through a tough time which will signal that she is not interested in your emotional well-being.

3. She will always have a bundle of problems for you to solve

If you notice that she is bringing problems to you without trying to solve them on her own then this will reflect that she is relying on you too much. You will feel like she is using your support instead of sorting things out herself.

4. She will only call you when crying over something

If she only calls you when she is upset then this will reflect that she is using your support just for those moments. You will see her unavailability for you all other time and she will only be available when things get tough for her. It is important to see if she values your connection beyond those sad times.

5. She will only approach you to relax from stress

Signs She Is Just Using You Will Only Approach You To Relax From Stress

If you always notice that she only hangs out with you when she is feeling stressed or upset then this will reflect that she is just using you emotionally. You will see her relying on you just to feel better without thinking about your feelings which will indicate that she is taking advantage of your support.

6. She will start taking care of you when you are giving distance

Whenever you start keeping some space then she will start caring for you more. You will see that this is not regular but will only happen when she thinks you are pulling away which will reflect the fakeness in her intentions for you.

7. She will portray fake concern when you realize her of her attitude

Whenever you talk to her about how she is acting then she will pretend to fakely care which will not be real. You will see her acting worried just to avoid talking about what is going on.

8. She will always portray herself as an emotional and innocent

Signs She Is Just Using You Will Always Portray Herself As An Emotional And Innocent

If she is using you emotionally then she will act sensitive and innocent all the time. You will see her trying hard to look innocent to make sure you don’t doubt her or think something is wrong. This will be just a way to keep you away from seeing what is going on her side.

9. She will offer physical intimacy whenever you doubt her intentions

Whenever you ask her about what she is feeling she will try to make things better by getting close physically instead of talking. You will see her using hugs and kisses to avoid talking about her wrong and mean intentions.

10. She will emotionally blackmail you for being accused of everything

Whenever she is using you emotionally then she will make you feel like you are accused of everything, even those things that are not your fault. You will see her controlling you and making you constantly say sorry for those things you have not done wrong.

10 Signs she is using you for money

The most dangerous form of being used by a girl is for money and many people are victims of this thing. Here are some hidden signs based on real-life experiences that will reflect her genuine intentions regarding you and the importance of your wealth in her life.

1. She will only talk to you sweetly when hurt by someone else

If she constantly keeps asking about how much money you make and seems worried about it then this will reflect that she is using you. You will see that instead of caring about your interests or dreams, she focuses a lot on your paycheck. This will indicate that money is the most attractive thing for her rather than your personality.

2. She will ask for countless financial favors

Signs She Is Just Using You Will Ask For Countless Financial Favors

If she keeps asking you for money or help with expenses all the time without giving back or thinking about your situation then this will reflect that she is using you for your money. You will see her consistent demands of financial favors just to fulfill her materialistic desires.

3. She will never ask to pay the bill after a date

If she never offers to help pay for dates then this will reflect that she is using you for money. You will see her always expecting you to bear the expenses of bill without even trying to share the cost which will indicate that she is more interested in what she can get from you financially.

4. She will ask you to buy her things beyond limit she can afford

If you notice her constantly asking you to buy things way more expensive than what she can pay for herself, this will reflect that she is using you for money.

You will see her always demanding things that are out of her budget and expecting you to cover the cost. This will indicate that she is not involved in your personality for a relationship but for what she can get out of it financially.

5. She will always demand to spend time at costly places over your wallet

Signs She Is Just Using You Always Demand To Spend Time At Costly Places

If she always wants to go to costly places and does not think about your budget then this will reflect that she is using you for your money. You will see her choosing expensive spots without caring about what you like which will indicate that she is more interested in what you can pay rather than spending time together.

6. She will be interested in worldly things you own

Whenever she is using you for money then she will care more about your materialistic things than about you. You will see that instead of asking about your thoughts and feelings, she will be interested in your things like your car or phone.

If she constantly focuses on your ownership instead of who you are then this will reflect her wrong intentions for you.

7. She will only show love when you’ve bought her a gift

If you notice her only becoming happy or loving you after you have given her gifts then this will reflect that she is using you. You will see her caring for you only after receiving a materialistic thing of her desire and does not care when you give her love or respect.

8. She will tell you to spend money for her happiness

If she keeps asking you to spend money just to make her happy all the time then this will reflect that she is using you for your cash. You will observe her constantly demanding expensive gifts or fancy dates, but never thinking about how it affects your wallet.

9. She will take pride in your wealth to make her friends jealous

Signs She Is Just Using You Take Pride In Your Wealth To Make Her Friends Jealous

If she constantly shows off her friends about the things you buy or how much money you have then this will reflect that she is using your money to make them feel envious. You will see her making them jealous all the time and taking pride in your money rather than your personality.

10. She will always compare your wealth and that of other men

If she is always looking at how much money other guys have compared to yours then this will reflect that she is using you for your money. You will see her interested in what is in your wallet rather than getting to know you which will convey a hidden message that she is not in a relationship for the right reasons.

10 Signs she is using you to flirt with your friend

Whenever the intentions of your partner change for someone else then most culprit person can be your friend. This is because she will have constant exposure to your friend’s company at parties and gatherings. Here are some key signs that your partner is just using you to get involved in an intimate relationship with your friend;

1. She will introduce herself to your social circle as your casual friend

If she only presents herself as your casual friend when around your social group then this will reflect that she is using you. You will notice her avoiding any deep connection or intimacy, especially in front of others which will suggest that she is keeping things superficial for the wrong.

2. She will ask about minor details of your friend

If you notice her constantly asking a lot of small questions about your friend like what they like to eat or what they enjoy doing then it will reflect that she is using these details to get closer to your friend through you. You will notice her becoming more interested in your friend’s personal life than yours.

3. She will be excited for parties and gatherings when your friend is coming

Signs She Is Just Using You Excited For Parties And Gatherings

Her excitement about parties where your friend is coming reflects that she will be more interested in hanging out with him than you. You will feel like she is using these times to be close to your friend instead of being with you.

4. She will constantly keep asking about his habits and routine

If she keeps asking lots about your friend’s daily habits like what he does every day or where he goes then this will reflect that she is interested in knowing him better. Whenever these questions become a common part of the main talk then indications will be clear that she is willing to get closer to your friend through you.

5. She will always deny her commitment to you in front of your friend

If she avoids acknowledging your relationship in front of your friends and constantly undervalues your relationship then this will reflect that she is not committed to you. You will see her acting distantly in gatherings which will indicate that she is just using you to get closer to someone else.

6. She will spend more time with your friend in a get-together

If you notice her always hanging out with your friend at a party, laughing a lot at his jokes, and never spending time with you then this will reflect that she is just using you for approaching your friend. You will observe her glued to him and barely notice you are there which will indicate her wrong intentions for you in relationship.

7. She will discuss a lot about your friend in front of you

If you notice her constantly talking a lot about your friend when she is with you then this will reflect that she is trying to get his attention through you. You will see her always bringing him up hinting that she is using you to get closer to him.

8. She will be interested in your friend’s chats with you

Her liking for your friend will be depicted when she becomes super curious about what both talk about. You will notice her showing interest whenever you mention him and try to jump into your talks or ask a bunch of questions about him.

9. She will always tell you to take your friend with you to a gathering

If she keeps asking you to bring your friend along whenever you are hanging out then this will indicate that she is trying to get closer to him. You will observe her using your time together to get to know him better instead of focusing on you. This will reflect that she is more interested in him than just being friends with you.

10. She will always speak flirty lines to you in front of your friend

Signs She Is Just Using You Speak Flirty Lines To You In Front Of Your Friend

You will notice that whenever your friend is there, she will talk to you in a way that is sweet and flirtatious. This will be like she is trying extra hard to make you feel good, but it feels a bit strange because she only does it when your friend is around. This could be her way of trying to get noticed or portraying herself more attractive in front of others.

Pro Tip:

The main theme in understanding the intentions of a girl lies in your ability to distinguish between the fake vibes from her side against the genuine ones. If she is just showing off love, care, and intimacy in certain situations only when her desires are met then this will be a sign of her wrong intentions for you.